Friday, February 22, 2013

Writing wrongs.

So, I guess I could have called myself a writer for a while now. But there is a part of me that hesitates, even as I AM PUBLISHING A FREAKING BLOG, because I don't understand the beast that is writing.

I feel like I am doing writing wrong.

I keep getting great advice about it: "The only way to do it wrong, is to not do it!" or "Just get something down on paper (or in my case, on screen)!" I even find myself giving that same type of advice out: "Write like no one is ever going to read it!" So what's the deal? What is in between me and the great American novel (screenplay, poem, short story, next 50 Shades of Blah)?

The only thing I can come up with is. . . ME.

Maybe I should try a different medium? Typewriter?
Pen and ink? Blood and a stick?
So full of desire am I to let all these ideas (and they are GOOD) flow onto the page! I am also full, however, of self judgment and fear. My critical voice is louder than the screaming baby who moved in next door. What's the answer? I wish I could tell you. For now, I'll just keep putting words in some semblance of order into Celtx, responding to my brain's heckles with a loving "shut the hell up" and really, genuinely try my best to "write like no one is ever going to read it". And then I'll make people read it.

What is your favorite creativity de-clogger?
