Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Sundancing!... or "What to wear?"

"What to wear?" and "What to see?", are the first two questions I'm asking myself (usually in that order) as I prep for my second annual trip to the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, UT.

I cannot describe my excitement about returning to Sundance again this year! I should be able to, given that "writer" is included in the multihypenate on my business cards and website-- but I can't! Maybe I'm already shivering from the chilly weather and the image of calf-deep snow on the path to our condo. Maybe I'm just overly jazzed about which celebrities I'll bump into-- last year I drank tea next to Kerry Russell and chatted for an hour with Ricky Whittle about comedy, acting and film work and then walked next to Lil Jon('s bodyguard) for 10 minutes. You'd think, perhaps, that I'd be used to celeb sightings, since I live in LA. But no. I'm not. And I am ok with not being cool as a cucumber about a spotting. When I am famous, I hope that I affect people enough with my work that they are driven to tell me so.

Ok. So let's get back to the most important part of this whole shabang-- WHAT TO WEAR?

I always start with a grand plan to do something different-- style my hair! Wear different colors! Rock a red lip every day! But by the second or third day in the snow, the whole group reverts to "the uniform", which typically consists of a long, black wool coat, one of the 6 free ski hats we've received by that point, black skinny jeans, snow boots, Carmex lip balm and hopefully, if someone remembered to make coffee, deodorant. That's just the life of the (not)rich and (almost)famous at Sundance.

But let's just say, for shiz and giggles, that I'm gonna stick with my plan to look fab and stay warm for the whole week. Here are some outfits that I plan to bring or would love to wear at Sundance 2014. For those of you who are used to snow-- rock these looks for me while it's frosty, won't ya? And comment with your favorite cold weather looks, too! I'm not above stealing your style.

Yours, in awesome imperfection,


Prepping for Sundance and Brrrrr Weather

Tenki cream sweater

Pull Bear blue clutch
$21 -

Burberry bracelet
$1,190 -

Lucifer Vir Honestus wooden jewelry

Pura Vida bracelet bangle

Chanel chain earrings

H M fringe shawl
$11 -

Slim pants, boots, sweater, studs. Changing up the Sundance uniform!

Burberry shirt

Long sleeve shirt
$480 -

ADAM shirts top

Pull Bear shirts top
$33 -

Sass & Bide skinny jeans

Red jeans
$33 -

Tory Burch ankle boots

Chanel ankle boots

Dr. Martens steel toe boots
$310 -

Miss Selfridge blue earrings

Chanel clip earrings

Carolina Bucci stud earrings
$405 -

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